It started like a poison ivy rash...

Venturing into the mighty world of social media, that is. But in a good way. Not an itchy way.

My trepidation was somewhat founded on being somewhat of an eventual-once-I-get-to-know-you-I’m-not-so-much-an-introvert, putting our (my) mistakes and successes in moving toward a comfortably, self-reliant family right out there with the rest of the wash. It’s like when you leave the rest stop bathroom thinking you’re all set to begin the next leg of your journey and you realize, too late, that you’ve got the one-ply stuck to your shoe and you’ve stepped out of the door that leads to the other side of the building.

So here we are. Here I am. I’m going to try to impart some of my southern growing-up wisdom. I’ll more than likely look for your advice, my dear reader. There will be joys. There will be tears. There will definitely be some lessons learned on this wild journey. I expect to have some laughs along the way, make some new friends and you know, when it all comes down to it, that’s the good stuff.